These dates make me think that files in folders are like corpses in coffins. They are inanimate objects we have to push from one place to another. Bookmarks, for instance, are dead weights buried in browsers and web services, like bones that the dog has buried in a garden. And since we have no direct relationship with them, as if they were distant relatives, we forget about them. We have to make a superhuman effort to keep all the information under control. Thinking about where we have all the information is a big part of the effort to have it. Then read it and assimilate its content, if there is any time and energy left. The human servitude to the computer system is enormous because we keep pretending that our brains are like drawers and folders. I remember when I was taught this at school, how the folders and files system worked, and I used to think “what a big chest of drawers”, when the most appropriate simile was a massive graveyard.
Language is home
In a constantly changing world, it is difficult to stay in it. In the end, the river of Heraclitus in