I’ve been thinking about this question lately. About how the idea of the future that we thought about some time ago is already here and it’s like every birthday, that we feel more or less the same. And it seems to me that this idea of the future was only to make things easier for us, for those who can afford it though. Make everything faster, improve the technical aspects and generally give us a better life. The idea of the future is a bit like building a better cradle. It also happens with the huge production of information that is, allegedly, knowledge. But the human being has a different rhythm and does not have time to adapt. Alvin Toffler predicted the The Future Shock in 1970 talking about precisely this, the inability to take on so many changes and so much information. A situation that produces disorientation, stress and individualism. And the other day, talking to a young medical student, he told me that every time he had to save a simple link, he had to consider which one to take in its place. Fortunately, a quick online search solves the problem of not knowing or not remembering. However, the feeling that remains is that with progress we extend the distances we travel, but at the same time we are becoming smaller and more helpless. And in the end, the question remains, are we moving towards the future or are we preserving ourselves from it?
Language is home
In a constantly changing world, it is difficult to stay in it. In the end, the river of Heraclitus in